Song of Songs 4:16, “Awake, north wind, and come, south wind! Blow on my garden, that it’s fragrance May spread everywhere. Let my beloved come into his garden and taste its choice fruits.”
Here’s my love letter to Jesus:
Lord, I love You! Lord—there’s nothing else to say about anything else because it’s just MEANINGLESS compared to Your love for me Lord! Lord, I am completely YOURS! Do what You May Lord. My garden is for You to embrace, to enjoy its fragrance and touch. My roots wrap around You and Your love. They grasp unto You firmly yet so gentle as it continues to drink from Your well Lord! My stems have awakened and arise at Your very Presence. My soft silky petals embrace Your love and wrap around you like gentle arms covered by a warm soft blanket. My fragrance exudes my Love for You and is sweet to your nostrils. Lord, whatever You find in me, I give to you. I am Yours and You are mine.
❤️Love Your Bride,
Eliza Victoria
This is truly written from my heart. What are your thoughts? Have you ever felt a love so deep before?