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Writer's pictureEliza Victoria


Updated: Dec 28, 2023

It's been a bit challenging to read and write at the moment but I can't allow this time to slip away...I need to B.R.A.G. (Be Real About GOD) about GOD! Someone asked to share a memory of an encounter with God and here was my response: "One encounter I’ll always remember with God was 2011. I went to a Pentecostal church with my best friend and saw a bunch of people speaking in tongues and shouting and I thought everyone was possessed. I told my friend, “What the heck you got me in girl?!” We laughed at everyone and it was so foreign to me because I did not grow up in church. My family was a Catholic family which went to church during holidays and I’d fall asleep while there.

Anyway, all of a sudden in the midst of all the noise and shouting I saw a white cloud just descend and it was just me and the Pastor there. Everything, all the distractions, went away and it was as if we were in the middle of a cloud. She looked at me and smiled and it was literally quiet, peaceful and safe. I felt something pull me in and I couldn’t understand what was happening but I knew right then I wanted that everyday. I literally saw the Father through her! I saw the love of God, His presence right there and that’s when I knew I wanted to learn more about “this God” that those people worshipped. Soon after I gave my life to Christ." Before this, God revealed Himself to me before but I was too wrapped up in mental and emotional bondage. I became blind to the Truth. My condition, circumstances and fear caused temporary blindness. When my back was against the wall (and it was there quite a few times because I was too scared to leave, too ashamed to face what was on the other side) God tried to get my attention multiple times but, I didn’t know anything about trusting in God or honestly even knowing Him, His nature or His characteristics. I only knew what was familiar; deception, lies, hurt, rejection, shame, pain and more. The moment I experienced this encounter in 2011, I literally felt SAFE and LOVED. Something I had not experienced but I yearned for so deeply. This was the void which God wanted to fill and I wanted Him! I was so unsure how this would happen, but after years of growing and connecting myself with the right people and letting go of the ones who held me back, I have learned and continue to learn how to exercise what God has placed in me to do. God never gave up on me. He never left me and He is still with me--He is with you too!

Now I’m not saying when we accept Jesus everything just poof goes away and it’s like a fairytale and just live happily ever after and we don’t face issues—it’s quite the opposite! We do face issues. We face persecution and trials. Listen, the devil knows he’s lost and has busted hell wide open and wants to snatch everything in his track but understand this...he CANNOT TOUCH WHAT GOD HOLDS! He CANNOT TAKE ANYTHING OUT OF GODS HANDS! When we give ourselves to Jesus Christ, heaven rejoices!!! It takes commitment, work, dedication and perseverance. Look at it this way, if you have children you're not going to just let anyone snatch your kids our of your hand right? Well, it's the same with God. We are His children and He sure isn't trying to throw us into the hands of a stranger when we are just little babes. As we grow, as we mature, He watches us take steps, one foot in front of the other. He is always with us, even when we fall. How we face our trials which will determine how we get through them. When we look to and put our trust in God, that’s when even in the lowest places we will continue to stay all the way up! Sometimes being in a low place allows us to get on our knees and cry out—it allows us to get in the face of God. He is the Rock on which we stand. No matter where we are or what we face, Yahweh wants us to just come to Him. Jesus intercedes on behalf of us. He stands in the gap just for us. Wherever you are, whatever you face, just know that even in the midst of distractions, chaos, loneliness or whatever, He will be that cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night just to keep you safe and in His arms. He loves you so much that He comes to see about you. He wants you to be healed. He wants you to not only experience His love but to be captivated by Him. His love covers a multitude of sins. His love is a redeeming love. His love is a life-changing, soul-saving kind of love. There is nothing and no one like it. So, no matter what I'm feeling at the moment or what I may go through, all I can do is boast about His love. His love has allowed me to love even the most difficult people. His love has allowed me to love those who have hurt me, abused me, lied on me and kicked dirt in my face. If His love can do that and more, I know whatever you seek for or search for, He will meet you wherever you are and encounter you in a way which will change your life--you just have to be open to it. Today, I’m BRAGGING ON GOD because He’s too good I can’t keep Him all to myself! What about you? How will you BRAG on God today?

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