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Writer's pictureEliza Victoria

Be Still & Know That I AM God

Updated: Dec 29, 2023

Many times life can throw many obstacles in our path. One of the hardest things many of us struggle with is being still and staying focused in the midst of storms and chaos. In those times, which for some could stem from either life at home, work, or family it can become bothersome or unstable if not properly managed. Either way, we are challenged, just as Peter, to focus our attention on Jesus. It’s not enough to just rely on Jesus in our good times, but we need to rely on Him at all times! 

There’s a story about a particular storm and Jesus’ disciples, specifically Peter, in Matthew 14:22-33. Let’s use Peter’s experience on the boat for a moment. Peter, along with the other disciples were on a boat as Jesus went up on a mountain to pray. As Jesus prayed the ship shifted towards the middle of the sea as a result of the troubling waters. As Jesus came down from the mountain, they all saw Jesus walk on water but could not recognize who he was because fear from the storm gripped them. As Jesus reassured them not to fear because He was with them, Peter answered Jesus and said, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You in the water.” Does this sound familiar? Many of us have experienced or can relate to being in the middle of a storm and gripped with fear, not knowing how to get out. As Jesus told Peter to come, Peter stepped out of the boat, as we could imagine with great anticipation and hopes of being rescued from the storm, and began to walk on water.  As long as Peter’s eyes stayed focused on Jesus, he was safe and fearless. He had the ability to walk on the waves towards Jesus. Think about this for a second! The very thing which tried to take him out was used as leverage for him to draw closer to Jesus. What if the storm was intended to shake some things up in the disciples’ lives just to test their faith. This is the same for us. Whatever you have faced or are currently going through might just be a test to see whether you will choose to be a water walker (use your situation as a way for God to reveal His nature)  or choose to remain on the shaky boat gripped with fear. As long as our eyes are focused on Jesus (our faith and determination are set on Him) we too can become water walkers in times of storms and chaos. We only sink when we take or focus off Jesus and put it on everything else around us. God is saying, “Don’t worry about what’s going on around you, just keep your eyes on Me and I will do the rest”. Today tell yourself, "I am a water walker and my eyes will remain on Jesus!"

Let's say a quick prayer.

Dear Lord,

You are Mighty and strong. You know all things. Nothing is too hard for You Lord. You are Omnipotent, Omniscience, and Omnipresent. I know in times of troubled waters You are with me. Help me to keep my eyes stayed on you and not the situation. You are greater than any storm and I know even the fiercest winds and water obey You. You are my Help in times of trouble. Lord, help me to be still and focus on You. Thank You, Lord, for being my place of safety. Thank You for being the true King. I will continuously praise You even in the toughest times. Thank You for hearing this prayer. In Jesus’ name.


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