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Writer's pictureEliza Victoria

Can You Hear Me?

Updated: Apr 21, 2021

Can You Hear Me?

There’s this voice which keeps calling me.

I keep trying to hide.

I’ve been wrapped up in fear, so I try to silence this Voice inside.

Fear. It has me troubled, it has me crying I feel like I just can’t get away.

I feel paralyzed on the inside, but I know I can`t stay.

When I walk, I flinch. When talk I stumble. I know it’s just wrong...

But this fear has gripped me for way too long.

I feel like I just can’t get away.

Can You Hear Me?

There it goes again.

Why won’t the voice just go away?

Can’t it understand I’m too fearful to even answer?

I mean, what good is answering the call if I’m stuck in this place?

I’ll just be a disappointment, I don’t deserve His grace.


There is goes again, this time He called me by my name.

Wait! Could it be my subconscious mind just playing tricks on me?

Or could it be the One many others have already received?

You know, the One Who healed the blind, cast out demons, and raised the dead.

Nah, He can’t be calling me I’m just too messed up, why would He call me instead?


Did you here it again? This time I could here my name clear as day!

Wait! Now I don’t know what to do—I just don’t know what to say!

What if He tells me He’s disappointed in my choices and way of living?

Maybe He’s embarrassed because of how I’ve been sinning.

Man, now I’m trying to figure out how to answer this call.

I mean, I’m not an expert, nor am I perfect in any way.

But I know I’ve been hearing this voice call me just about every day.

Choices, Choices, oh what am I to do?

Can you hear Me Eliza? Don’t you know I really love you?

Wait! You love ME? Even in all my junk and all my mess?

This has got to be a game, better yet, is this a test?

Can you hear Me Eliza?

I don’t care about how many times you’ve strayed away, you still belong to Me.

I love every part of you, even when you’ve been in your “mess”. Just come to Me, I’ll make you whole. You’ll see.

All you have to do is answer and just say YES.


Who’s that knocking on my door?

It is I, The One Who is, Who was, and is to come.

Wait, I wasn’t expecting You so soon! I’m still fighting fear in this war.

Can you hear Me Eliza?

All you need is Me by your side.

I don’t know how to do that LORD.

All you have to do is just abide.

Trust in Me and I’ll win this fight for you.

Just walk in Me and I in you, that’s all you have to do.

Can you hear me Jesus?

I answered Your call and said yes to You.

Since believing and trusting in You, I can now see I’ve been renewed.

I’m no longer trapped by fear nor

by sin.

I exalt Your Holy name because now, I’m no longer defeated—in You I forever win!

(Click the video below to listen to a quick prayer.)

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