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Writer's pictureEliza Victoria

Everyone has a FUNCTION: What's Your Story?

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

One thing I continue to learn is my story is my story and there isn't anyone who could ever walk in my shoes or tell it like I can. The shoes God has given me is specifically made just for me. God has anointed me to live out my purpose and life. People can be quick to want to walk in shoes not designed for them but would never nor understand the cost, the blood, sweat and tears it took just to be pressed through it all. The anointing costs and everyone has to go through their own cost eventually.

There was a time in my life when I was uncomfortable in my own shoes or let's just say, didn't know what shoes to walk in because of the expectations and labels people put on me. It came to surface last week how evident it was when someone sent me a recording of a conversation I had about me and life struggles. During the time of the recording it was a moment of vulnerability for me but I always knew nobody could ever tell my story like I can and after years later, I learned the importance of placing people in the correct category through Dr. Dharius Daniels book , Relational Intelligence (Relational Intelligence by Dharius Daniels | Unlock Your Greatest Potential (

It's important to know that what we go through truly reveals, in hindsight, God's glory and His nature over our lives--even when we can't see it at that moment. I wanted to share what I expressed in 2016 as an example of how God will always meet us where we are. Below is, in detail, what I expressed.

"For so long, I didn't know who I was because I would search through other people. I would ask, "How should I dress? How should I look?" (sobbing) but I never took the time to ask myself who I was not knowing I lost myself a long time ago because of other people's labels or add-ons. In all of this, God has allowed me to let it go. God has shown me to take baby steps, do not do it all at one time--to start little bit little (this is a way of God's pruning process). Start little and then you can recognize the value and worth in that and then you can begin to build on it.

I'm reminded of a time when I had a particular plant, one would call it a "money tree" plant (I personally liked the way the plants stem intertwined with each other. It reminded me of a three-corded strand). At first, I would pour a bunch of water into these plants and think it would be fine but I eventually saw I was overwatering the plant because the stem of the plants would wither away from being drenched in water.

God used this experience to show and tell me, "It doesn't take much. it just takes tending to." As I went to gently rinse the leaves with water to wash out the dust, I heard the LORD tell me, "Don't put too much water. Remember what happened last time. It doesn't take much. It just takes tending to." I then looked and recognized we don't have to overwater it as an easy way out. I thought I was doing the right thing not knowing I was causing the plant to slowly die. In order to properly care for my plants I wound up investing in a water bulb for the plants. I recognized even though the top layer of the dirt seemed very dry. I thought to myself, "How can this possibly feed the plant but look like it's dying?" How is it this plant is living and everything around it is dying? That's just like us spiritually, when we are being fed from the root, from the inside, when we're taking care of ourselves, everything (not baring good fruit) around us has to die."

There is a lot of revelation in what I shared that particular day. Although I didn't make the connection at the time, I clearly see now how God works on us from the inside out--because at that time in my life, I thought "looking the part" physically was where it all began but what good is it to "look the part" if deep down in our hearts we don't even know who we are? I am so glad I am no longer where I once was. You see, just as a plant receives its nutrients from deep down in the soil, God's Word digs in deep! He works on us from the inside out.

God digs deep within us to remove any contaminated elements (unfruitfulness) and replaces it with perseverance, endurance, life, His love and characteristics. He cleanses. He prunes us (even though it doesn't feel good) for the benefit of His glory. When it felt like the Light in me would blow out with a simple breath, God reignited the fire within me because deep down inside, I still had some hope and believed in Him. He caused everything which didn't align to His word and His will to be removed so that He could properly prune me bit my bit (we see how it also aligns to God's word in Romans 11:19-20

As I continue to be vulnerable with Him and not people, as I continue to seek Him, He tends to me and works in me. This is what God does not just for me but He desires to do this for all those in Him. We cannot be afraid to be who God created us to be. In our pruning process it's also important to be attentive and aware of the company we keep. We have to correctly place people in the right category (acquaintance, assignment, mentor, friendship, etc.). I've learned not to overuse the "friendship" category when people are not in that category.

Before, I struggled with walking in my truth because I was ashamed. I was always silenced as a child and a young adult but now, I've realized I have been silent long enough. There is a time to be quiet and a time to speak. Has anyone ever experienced this before in their life? Listen, we all have our own stories to share. Personally, I will continue to share my story, insight and TRUTH even when others refuse to face it. I have not been created to tickle the ear and speak what others want to hear but to share the Truth. For some, they may receive it and for others it may just fall on the wayside but at least I've shared it--if it impacts at least one person, I know I've done my assignment.

I've come across many people who have tried to duplicate or want what I carry but the truth of the matter is, there is only one of me, just like there is only one of you. We have been anointed to walk out our own stories and we all play a critical part in one Body. We all have something to contribute to the Kingdom of God. It's important to understand what part of the body we've been placed at so the Body can function as it has been created to do so (I Corinthians 12:12-27

So, I say today, know that we are equally important! In what ways have you seen God move in your life? What examples has He used to speak to you where you are? Don't hide behind others stories but let your truth stand out. Your story matters. Our story matters. We matter! What's your story? We are one Body--here to share with others and to extend the same grace and mercy given to us. Let's build together. Let's share and grow together.

Blessings to you,

Eliza Victoria

'And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. ' Revelation 12:11

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