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Writer's pictureEliza Victoria

God Will Meet You Right Where You Are!

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

Have you ever gone left when you knew you needed to go right? Did you ever go somewhere you knew you shouldn't be? Have you ever been in a relationship you knew would go nowhere? Or are there times where you know what you're supposed to do but you just don't seem to follow through? Many of us can relate or have been there one time or another. Interestingly enough, you are not the first nor will you be the last. Listen, I thought about all the times I refused to want to be used or even felt "Why would God use me with my mess? " BUT GOD!! He will use us wherever we are because His love is UNCONIDTIONAL.

There was a man named Jonah who ran away from God's instructions. He knew what he was supposed to do but he thought if he ran away the assignment would go away as well. In Jonah 1:1-17, we see how Jonah refused to be used by God and ran. While in the boat, everyone felt the effects of his refusal to listen to the LORD. The LORD sent a great wind and a violent storm rose against them and the people in the boat cried to their “gods” but Jonah went to take a nap. Could it have been because Jonah knew God is the God of the seas and land, he got cocky and fell asleep (This reminds me of when Elijah was on Mount Carmel and asked if their god was asleep or taking a break)?

The people on the boat asked Jonah, “Who are you and where did you come from” after casting lots. Jonah knew they suffered because he was there but I see God moving here because again, these people worshiped other gods and God used Jonah (even when Jonah thought he ran away) to show them His sovereignty and that HE IS GOD AND GOD ALONE! Even though Jonah didn’t want God to use him to go to Nineveh, God used him anyway!

But wait...the entire time Jonah ran and found time to sleep but I find it odd that he knew in order for the storm to cease he would need to leave the boat. Jonah told the people in the boat to “Pick me up”—instead of us seeing this as Jonah being “unwilling” I hear God saying here, “Let go of those other gods and TAKE A HOLD OF ME!”

The people in the boat were AFRAID to touch Jonah! They were afraid to let go because they were used to their own gods and ways! They tried it their way (they tried to row back but the sea grew wilder!) but it didn’t work. They “touched” Jonah and threw him off the boat! This was a clear indication that they SUBMITTED themselves to God because they then “touched” God and their lives were never the same. They recognized God's sovereignty and nature. This, I see, symbolized repentance and a washing away (water symbolized a cleansing which took place). The fish indicated that God used Jonah in that moment to symbolize Jesus and how the LORD will use His people to be a “fisher of men”.

They all then feared the LORD, offered sacrifices to the LORD AND MADE VOWS TO THE LORD!

Even when Jonah appears to not want to be used, God used him anyway to bring others to the revelation of who THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY IS!

This is the same for us, we can run but we cannot hide! Even when we feel we don’t want to be used, God will still use us where we are because His will shall be done! We are living examples of His grace and mercy—even if we try to run! Even though when many of us may act up, He doesn't stop loving us and He doesn't stop moving on HIS BEHALF because our "conditions" don't stop Him from revealing His sovereignty and nature! God will meet us right where we are! Be encouraged!


Eliza Victoria

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