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Hearing His Voice

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

The LORD is a refuge, a very present help in times of trouble. His voice is all-powerful and still.

The winds, waves, and mountains obey His every command. The waters become still, the mountains bow before Him, and all creation is subject to His sounding voice. At the sound of His voice, it fills us with fear and trembling. At the sound of His voice, everything and everyone falls to its knees.

Every idol is destroyed. He is the Divine, Supreme, Almighty One. He is the Lord God Almighty. The Lord of Heavens Armies. He is our Banner, the Lord God our Victory. Nothing can stand against Him.

His voice is the voice that leads us through the wilderness. His voice is powerful, fearless, magnificent, holy, wonderful, such a paragon which words cannot describe.

Through the noises of chaos, through the noises of distractions, His voice bellows through with His still small voice as we listen to His sweet, strong, loving voice. His sheep know His voice and a stranger, they will not follow. His voice is as the sound of many waters. Many cannot fully describe His voice, but it is clear, sharp and easily identified compared to the unusual voices which try to distract us.

When we walk away from His voice, His voice continues to embrace us, calling us back to Him. Ever so gentle at times, and yet, ever so stern. His voice is the voice I cry to in times of trouble and pain. It's the voice I, like a child waiting to see their parents after a long time apart, run towards with open arms. I run to His voice for His warm embrace. His voice secures me in the nighttime seasons—it embraces me in the morning dew. His voice is one I've grown to love and seek after. His voice is the one who called me, even when I didn't even know who I nor He was. He's called me time and time again just as He did while Samuel slept.

As His voice continues to call after me, I'm drawn by the beauty of His holiness. His voice chases after me as we play a game of hide-and-seek. Sometimes, His voice appears as if it is silent, but I know He is there. When I feel I am struggling to hear His voice, He speaks to me in other ways. He shows me signs, He points me in the right direction, and at times, He sends His messengers to remind me I'm right where He needs me to be.

His voice isn't always audible, but also visual. He reminds me that He is with me, and yet, it feels like He has a sense of humor at times. When I feel as if I can't hear His voice, He does something so magnificent where I know, without a doubt, He just wants to speak to me but in a different manner. He will send a simple bird. It will sing in the early morning as it sits and rests upon the tree branches and under the rooftop by my window. Other times I would hear the sounds of thunder, the heavens roar and tremble yet it all reminds me of His voice and how magnificent, holy and glorious is He.

His voice is the voice I look for every single day. Lord, whatever You need me to do, I am Yours to use. I will continue to follow Your voice. I will continue to be still and know that YOU LORD, are God and God alone. Thank You for Your still small yet powerful voice which leads me each waking moment.

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