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Writer's pictureEliza Victoria

It's not enough to just survive, you need to THRIVE!

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

A personal note from God to me on November 1, 2020:


“The adversary wants to rob you and make you feel like you’re ok with just survival.” ____________________________________________________________________________

2 Corinthians 4:16-17, "Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory,"

Today is August 8, 2022. Guess what? I've come to tell you that I've been just surviving for these past couple of months and it's been rough! A note from 2020 literally opened my eyes this morning and gave me the revelation of how perfect and intentional God truly is to us. Here we are in 2022 and a note He gave me in 2020 was right on time, it was for such a time as this! He knew what I would go through even before I stepped into it. He knew that I would one-day journal thoughts and a conversation He and I would have and revisit it at the perfect time. He knew I would open up my computer, check my notes and it would reveal a message He specifically gave me for right here and right now. This past year or so, if I can be a bit transparent, has been a lot for me but not enough to cause me to throw in the towel. I have honestly been in survival mode in every area of my life and's time to THRIVE!

What does it mean to be in survival mode? According to some information I found on the web, it is an adaptive response of the human body to help us survive danger and stress. Many of us already know that life itself can be busy and very chaotic. I know that there are many of us out here who have become experts being in “survival mode” from experiences we have gone through and from going through the everyday motions in life. Survival mode tells us, "We just need to get through the next 24 hours. " Being in survival mode means there's no long-term or medium-term plan because your focus is about getting by or living for the moment. Surviving, if I could put a definition to it would be like getting up to work, going to sleep, and then waking up to go back to work. There's nothing in between. You work to pay bills, sleep and wake up to do it all over again. There's nothing else in between. You do it just to get by. Thriving causes you to grow or develop well or vigorously. Thriving allows you to wake up, make an impact wherever you find your feet to go, help change or make an impact in others' lives, and not just work, but work towards a goal that will leave a lasting impact on not just your life but the lives of others. Thriving creates a passion that will cause you to push or press through even in the toughest situations because there's purpose inside of you.

Sometimes we walk around not even realizing that we’re just “surviving” and not thriving. We can come to a place of contentment, but God says, “There’s so much more. Come up a little higher my son, my daughter.” How do we do that? Draw closer to Him. No matter what you're going through or how you feel, draw from the Well--His waters. Don't just settle for surviving or being in survival mode. Learn how to thrive with HIM! Trust Him in the process. He will direct your paths as you lean on Him. Whatever you do, do not let go of the LIFELINE! Hold on to the LORD every step of the way. Do not lose heart, keep going, keep pressing because there will be glory after this! There's purpose inside of you and it needs to leave a lasting impact on others. There are lives that are waiting to be impacted through your thriving!

After you've moved past survival mode, what else will you do? Will you keep to yourself and remain quiet, or will you help others? Will you share the tools they need to move past survival mode so they too can thrive? When you put the Resources to work, you cause others, as well as yourself to thrive. Don’t just settle for surviving but thrive in it! Do something with what you’ve learned throughout your wilderness, your experiences, from being in survival mode! Pull others through and make sure you are that 5th Gospel because your life and your actions are what will draw others out and push them out of surviving and propel them into thriving!

May you exemplify the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY so others will ask, “May you show me how you made it through?”

Go back to your notes and journals. There’s so much revelation in them!


Eliza Victoria

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