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It’s Okay

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

It’s okay to be different.

It’s okay not be like by everyone.

It’s okay to know you think differently than others.

It’s okay if others look at you sideways when you don’t do what they do.

It’s okay to love in spite of.

It’s okay to put people in the right categories—not everyone is your friend.

Some people are assignments.

Some people are mentors.

Some people are simply just distractions.

It’s okay to be honest with many and transparent with few.

It’s okay to want to be alone—just don’t find yourself in complete isolation!

It’s okay to desire companionship.

It’s okay to tell someone NO.

It’s okay to accept the truth about where you are.

Did you know....

We were set apart before the foundations of the world.

From the beginning of time Yahweh already had a plan set in place for you.

People are going to talk.

People are going to criticize.

People are going to question but....

After it’s all said and done, The ONLY opinion that matters is what Yahweh thinks of us. He searches our hearts and knows our thoughts.

He has given us free will and wants us to make the right choice.

We are not responsible for others actions or reactions but we are held accountable on HOW we respond!

After it’s all said and done, the goal is to CONTINUE TO press towards the goal—press towards being right with the Father!

I am glad I never fit in. I am blessed for being able to love in spite of whatever happens. It’s become easier to love because I have GOD WHO IS LOVE inside OF me. I am so grateful Jesus Christ saved me when He did before I became bitter!

He is a Restorer and He makes NEW!!!

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