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Writer's pictureEliza Victoria

KNOCK, KNOCK: Lord, You are Welcome Here

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

Knock, knock.

The sound of the knock caused this sensation in my belly as if butterflies fluttered inside my belly. I leaped towards the door in excitement. My home has been prepared for company already. Everything has been cleaned, house smells inviting and the atmosphere has already been set. At first, I had encountered opposition while cleaning and getting things in order but I pushed through because of the company I have been expecting and now my company is here!

Oh how the sweet aroma of worship and essential oils just exude out of my house. Every room feels and smells like bursts of a thick aroma which cannot be ignored. I'm ready and I'm in high expectation!

Knock, knock.

Me, "Coming!"

I quickly run to open the door. Right before I open the door, realize I feel like a child waiting to see their Father, the One who picks them up and places them on His shoulders while the child wraps their arms around their Fathers neck as He walks. Feeling like they are on top of the world, the child releases their hands from around their Father's neck and lifts them towards the sky in freedom and unafraid knowing they are safe, assured, and loved. They see their Father as the King and their entire

being. The Father will never leave them, never let them go and will always PROTECT them. He will always come to their rescue. He will fight every beast and always win. He is their Ultimate Superhero with Powers nobody can ever match.

As I open the door, I couldn't help but smile, cry, and throw myself at His feet. It is Jesus! I've been expecting Him and have prepared my home just for Him! Everything which happened earlier. which tried to get me upset and out of character was immediately dismissed. It was simply unimportant. The only thing that matters is being with Him. His embrace warms my entire body. It fills the very depths of my soul. There is absolutely nothing else that can satisfy me like Jesus. The inside of my belly feels like it wants to explode as the sensation of butterflies in my belly intensifies. It's like a well of Living water overflowing within me waiting to pour out of me. I cannot help but to invite Him to stay. LORD, You are welcome here!

Have you felt like this? It's like a breath of fresh air! As I began to write this out, I imagined what it would be like meeting Jesus face to face. The anticipation to sit at His feet just as Mary did. I could clearly see myself opening the door and falling at His feet and loving on Him. What I have learned is no matter what, I shall continue to invite the Presence of the LORD into my space. LORD, You are welcome here! I can't help but sense the warfare going on in the Spirit so I was moved to write this and share. Just because we see things in the natural, it is our duty to speak those things as though they were! Just as we prepare our homes in expectation of the Ultimate Company, opposition will try to come to distract you and take you off course. Continue to push through and keep preparing your home because He is coming!

We have power upon our lips to release words of life to every situation. We have to remind ourselves of who we are at times and we have to tell every issue, every distraction and opposition about how our GOD is bigger than any issue, an let-down and circumstance! Don't complain, just invite the LORD into your space and invoke His Presence. Prepare your space for Him. He's knocking on the doors to our hearts and wants us to open the door and let Him inside. Jesus, You are welcome here even as I type these words! Below is something I wrote and wanted to share with whoever runs across these words:

The things I’ve tolerated in the past I no longer entertain because I’ve realized my self-worth is greater than compromising. I have already been VALIDATED by the FATHER. I AM LOVED beyond man's capability and I am His! He is the One I rest my head on at night. The One I wake up with in the morning and the One I run to during the day. His name is Jesus. When things seem like it’s being turned upside down, He is the One who keeps my feet grounded and tells me EVERYTHING is working together for my good. He is the One who gives me peace even when it seems chaotic. He is the One who gives me joy when everything around me seems to be in a downward spiral. I have this joy within me which tells every situation, every warfare I come across GOD HAS BEEN TOO GOOD NOT TO PRIASE HIM EVEN IN THIS! I don’t care WHAT it looks like, GOD WILL STILL GET EVERY BREATH OF PRAISE OUT OF ME! The things which once caused me to become distracted can no longer get my attention. It’s not worth entertaining!

Me to the adversity, “Oh, you want to come at me and try to take me off course? Well, let me tell you about THE GOD I SERVE! Let me remind you that I AM A DAUGHTER OF THE KING WHO REIGNS ON HIGH. Let me tell you how He is MY FORTRESS AND PLACE OF REFUGE. Let me remind you that HE IS JEHOVAH GIBBOR! He slays ARMIES upon ARMIES and is UNDEFEATED. He is THE GREAT LION OF JUDAH, the KING OF GLORY, the LORD STRONG AND MIGHTY, MIGHTY IN BATTLE! Shall I keep going?

Yeah, that’s the God I serve. So my self-worth is in HIM and Him alone. No longer bothered, no longer moved but matured. When I was a child, I did and thought childish things but as I’ve grown and matured, I realized the VALUE and WORTH God has placed inside of me.

I’m not conceited, I’m far from that. Before, I may have swayed from the left and to the right and I was double-minded at one time but God has delivered me on more than one occasion! I am CONFIDENT in WHO GOD said I AM. I am steadfast and immovable. I am AUTHENTICALLY ME and I ACCEPT who I am because there can ONLY be one of Me! I cannot be duplicated. God doesn’t anoint clones!

Reader, I challenge you to invite the Presence of God to hover over you. Welcome Him into your space. Listen, you are also a person of worth and hold much value. There can only be one of you! Yahweh strategically made you for such a time as this! Tell whatever you’re facing about Jesus! Tell it you shall not be moved. Every high place is made low and every crooked place shall be made straight. You will not be consumed but will come out of it refined and shining as pure gold! God is greater than any circumstance. Break open your alabaster box and pour your perfume upon Him. It is His breath inside of our lungs so give GOD what is due unto Him!

Why tolerate foolishness when You can just rest in the Presence of God and be at peace? Come up a little higher. Dig a little deeper. Jesus is knocking on the door to your heart and He wants you to welcome Him in! Let Him in today. Invite Him to stay. Sit with Him. Drink and eat with Him. Enjoy His company! Abide with Him.

Revelation 3:20

'Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. '

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