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Writer's pictureEliza Victoria

Let Your Sweat & Tears be Your Meat

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

Everyone is familiar with working out. It can be very tedious at times and your body will be sore the next few days but overall, it's good for us. At times, you may fight with yourself even to stay consistent while at other times, you're very determined. In either case, one thing is evident--you will sweat and you may even cry!

When we work out, we become determined to work out muscles we have not used before or maybe we want to stay leaned, toned or even develop muscles. Either way, there's an end goal. There's a drive within ourselves to do better because we feel better when we do--even after months long of intense workout regimes. The end result will prove all of the sweat and tears were well worth the time and sacrifice.

The same applies to our inner man. Our spirit man within needs to be exercised daily in order to develop those "spiritual muscles" we need to fight off the things which will try to jeopardize our life. Taking a scripture a day, mediating on it and allowing it to apply to our lives will produce the oil (sweat and tears) within us and cause us to become stronger in our faith. The Word of God builds relationship, our self esteem and confidence. This is the best exercise anyone could ever have.

Today, I challenge you to pick a scripture and meditate on it, pick it apart and ask God how it applies to your life and what ways it can exercise your spiritual muscles.

If you are not sure where to start, here is a scripture you can begin with:

Psalms 51:10, "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me."

Jesus is our LIFELINE! Exercise forgiving someone who did you wrong today. Don't allow unforgiveness to cause your heart to be unclean. Unforgiveness will cause blood clots, heart failure and more in your spiritual growth. When you forgive, it allows the sweat or tears to cause a spiritual weight loss to take place. It allows the blood in your veins to flow freely while also removing the unnecessary "fat", that has tried to attach itself to you and replaces it with good "meat" on your spiritual bones!

Allow yourself to be free to shed some weight today!

Remember that Jesus loves you!

Eliza Victoria

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