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Writer's pictureEliza Victoria

A Prayer for Fathers

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

The presence of a father is so important. There are so many children growing up without their fathers and some don’t see what an important role they play in the lives of their children. Their presence can help bring them up right and in the LORD. There’s a reason why the Bible says “fathers”!

Children both boys and girls need a healthy father figure in their lives to help shape and create not only their value, worth and identity but also help them to live life to their highest potential. As these children get older, they will be faced with having to make decisions and what better way to go through life than to have a Father they could always depend on? A father is one to guide, protect, lean on and trust. There are so many young men and women who are lost and need direction.

By no means am I disregarding mothers because I am a mother myself, but I am speaking as a mother with three older children (2 teens and a 20 soon to be 21-year-old). I have not been the perfect mother, but I have tried and still try to the best of my knowledge and yet, I have desired my children to have a "healthy" relationship with their dads, but this isn't always the case--I've leaned on Jesus to be my Co-Parent ( Far too many times we encounter men who are broken, use ineffective and detrimental parental skills they grew up with or men who have walked away altogether. While there are some men who have stepped up to the plate and some who are great fathers, my purpose and target are for the ones who are either not there or there but bleeding.

As a woman and a mother, I plead with you! Fathers we need you. Your children need you. Young boys need to learn and understand their place and identity. They need to learn what love, valor, stamina, integrity, commitment and safety look like. They need to know and understand what protection and stability are (mental, emotional, spiritual, physical) and how to sustain it! They need be loved, cared for, taught and more. Fathers, we need you to be the example even for the daughters. They need to know that they are loved, a queen in the making, one who knows her worth and value and doesn't have to take down her crown. One who will not diminish her worth for the validation of man. One who will value her relationship--you are her first man! Her relationship with you can determine the decisions she makes in future relationships. Father, we need you more than you know. She needs to see what real love is. She needs to know what a man of valor, stamina, integrity, and commitment look like. She needs to see and know what stability and protection look and feel like. You are her and his example. They need to know the FATHER! They need to know being vulnerable to the right One is okay! We need men to draw close to the FATHER. We need examples.

Lord, I pray for every child who has not had a healthy relationship with their own father or have been abandoned by them that You would restore hope unto them. May You help fathers take their rightful place to help not only raise up their children but TEACH them, train them up IN YOU!!!! Help them to not only provide financially but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Help them to let go of their own fears, failures and wants. Heal every broken area of their lives LORD! Help them to stand firm and flatfooted in You Lord so they can be the example fitting to please You Lord. So many have gone astray, so many have been rejected. Lord, be everything their earthly fathers were not to them and more. Heal them and make them whole. Give them insight, wisdom, direction, peace and clarity on their assignment LORD.

Lord, we need the Fathers presence! Be that Father to them so they can reciprocate being a father to their own children and those who You send their way. Lord, even send HOLY GHOST FILLED MENTORS to them! Send HELPERS—LABORERS to these men, fathers and children out here so that they will walk in their God-given assignment and purpose. For far too long we have seen a misalignment of men and their role but LORD, today I go before You and boldly declare that the MEN/FATHERS WILL REALIGN AND TAKE THIER PLACE for the sake of these next generations!!!!! The young men and young women NEED YOU LORD! They need to know and walk in healthy relationships, value, integrity, self-worth and more and it’s only done through knowing a True Father which is You. Let Your love circle around them and wrap Your loving arms around them LORD. Let them know LOVE!!! Agape LOVE! Let them know You! In Jesus' mighty and matchless name. Amen.

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