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Updated: Dec 28, 2023

Today I just wanted to be authentically me. Can I do that? I wanted to share some of my house cleaning rules/tips/petitions in hopes it would encourage, direct, and bless someone: 1) Selfcare is first (spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical). It begins with you! It first takes a made-up mind, time, preparation, and action. Being whole is key to advancement. Let's go from the pit to the PALACE! 2) Keep a clean home—declutter (both spiritually and naturally)!!! This helps keep thoughts clear and it honestly feels so much better—I personally think better knowing less is more! A mess or clutter makes me uneasy so let’s work to keep it together. This aligns with self-care—when we put our inner self in order, it will also show outwardly. 3) Don’t allow everyone into your space. Some people are not there to cheer you on. Let’s be real—counterfeits will try to make their way through so keep your eyes and ears open! Keep a Spiritual Entourage with you at all times (these people may change depending on your season—don’t get too wrapped up in the company that you miss the ones God has sent your way. Be sure you have like-minded people who will help bring you to your next level (be open to God's shifting) and keep TRUE INTERCESSORS in your corner. Listen, when you’re connected to the right people, they will help encourage and pray for you instead of adding fuel to the fire. Most times you don’t even have to air out your business because they’ll already be in position! 4) Be honest with yourself and others and transparent with few—(From a book I read months back called Relational Intelligence by Dharius Daniels which stills blesses me). Something I’ve done was be transparent with a lot of people and it caused me unnecessary pain which I caused or allowed due to not aligning the proper relationships in my life. 5) Recognize your worth and DON’T SETTLE—you deserve all that and then some! When you rush into a thing—you’re reacting impulsively and will make a mess out of it! Don’t fall for the same ol’ okey-doke—You deserve better. Your price is far beyond rubies—You’re priceless and valuable! 6) Self-talk and petition (now your petition may be different and you may be married but you can still petition on behalf of your spouse but make sure your heart is positioned correctly): “I deserve better for myself. There’s already someone for me and in God's time, we will come together. I’ve been through too much not to experience the right relationship. The one for me will BE WHOLE and delivered (very important) and pray with and for me, be goal-oriented, be a man of vision and direction—provide loving leadership in every area of his life. He will be a man after God’s own heart—filled with wisdom, humility, and submitted to God. He will be a God-fearing man—not perfect but love the One who is Perfect (Jesus Christ). Our relationship will glorify God. I believe I will have someone who loves me unconditionally and unashamedly. He will sweep me off my feet. I shall have a great and fruitful relationship with the one for me and he shall be my best friend.” I may not know when but I do know it shall happen in the LORD's perfect timing because the LORD is not slack concerning His promises. 7) Don’t just make a list filled with petitions but believe it, speak it and prepare for it NOW! In everything, seek God first and His will for your life. Everything else will align when we put Him first! I hope this blessed someone’s day and has given SOMEONE direction, encouragement, and wisdom. Love y’all— #ElizaVictoria #AuthenticallyMe #ElizaVMateo #Rules.Tips.Petitions.

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