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Set Apart: A Reflection of the Day

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

All my life I’ve felt like I didn’t belong. I felt like the black sheep—I felt I couldn’t “blend” in with the crowd and to be honest, I felt like I couldn’t find my “place” and felt rejected because of it. Yet, at the same time, felt like I didn’t care about opinions either.

I was always set apart. God had a plan for me before the foundations of the world. The battle of the mind tried to take me out. It wasn’t until I pressed through and spoke affirmations and renewed my mind when I finally believed in God's promises. In a moment of transparency, it took me some time to put on the whole armor of GOD. Once I learned how to apply the armor, it helped me see who I was in the LORD. I've been able to combat every thought which didn't align with the WORD of GOD. His word is sharper than any two-edged sword. It's a lamp unto our feet and a light to our path. So even in the darkest places, His word continues to light the way. In times of fear, it has become times of opportunities for faith. Though it is easier said than done, my faith has ignited through declaring two particular scriptures:

2 Timothy 1:7 which says, "God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of POWER, and of LOVE, and of a SOUND MIND". (emphasis added)

Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengths me". (emphasis added)

Each time I RENEW my mind through reading the scriptures of God’s word it allows me to stand firmer and stronger in the ways and LOVE OF JESUS CHRIST! The times when I have not sought, submitted and applied His word have been times when I left myself open to the attacks of the enemy. I'd feel every firey dart penetrate me as I left myself open. It is important, as a matter of fact, critical to renew our minds daily to prevent any fiery attack from penetrating and taking us off course. This is not to say attacks would not come because they will, but when our minds are renewed, we have the power to rightly respond to them. We won't be easily moved. We have the power to speak those things as though they were.

He is my Shepherd and I am the sheep of His pastures. He is the Great Jehovah Nissi—the Lord God my Banner—my Victory. He is the Lord of Heavens Armies. He wrapped His wings around me and He holds me with His hands and NOTHING SHALL SNATCH ME OUT OF HIS HANDS. When the wicked came up against me, my enemies and foes, they STUMBLED AND FELL. He hides me in His pavilion. He sets me upon a rock. You see, the Lord God Almighty is the UNDEFEATED CHAMPION and He is the Rock and the foundation on which I stand. He is the Horn of my Salvation. When I call upon the Lord, He hears me. He heard and continues to hear my cry. His consuming fire remains. He devours my enemies before me. I watch as His fury goes before me to scatter my enemies and severing every attack. This is the God I serve! He delivers me from calamity and my enemies! Nothing is too hard for God!

It was good that I was rejected because the Lord protected me from the hands of those who tried to kill my purpose. I was saved from glory killers and gift abusers. The LORD JESUS CHRIST interceded and still intercedes on my behalf. Jesus not only does it for me, but He also does the very same for you. Every life matters to Jesus. Maybe you have been rejected or felt like you were trying to find your place in life. Maybe you've felt there must be something more instead of the daily norm or chaos and have been searching but have not found it yet. Well, today is an invitation to the Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.. Jesus died on the cross just for you. He loves you more than you could ever imagine and wants to be reconciled with you today. There is nothing in your life that is too hard for God to handle. There is no sin He can't forgive. He washes and cleanses from the inside out and makes us new. He heals, sets free, and delivers. If you are willing to open your heart to Him, He is waiting for you to come to Him right now as you read this. Here's a simple prayer you can pray openly, for if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Christ is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Maybe you’re already saved but may have slipped or fell away for a bit, He is still ready to receive you back so you can renew your yes to Him. Each day is a new day to say “Yes” all over again!


My soul has searched long enough. Today I come to you. Lord, I give You my YES today. I ask that you would forgive me for every sin, shortcoming and iniquity. I believe that Jesus Christ loves me and that He died on the cross just for me. There is no greater love. I believe through the power and resurrection of Jesus Christ, it has set me free and I am now saved and called a son/daughter of the Most High GOD. Today, the angels rejoice in heaven for they have gained a new soul. My past shall no longer dictate me because YOU are my future. Today I declare with thanksgiving that the enemy has lost and LORD, You have won the victory over my life. In Jesus' name Amen.

So you see, the only thing that matters is what GOD thinks of you! You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You too have been set apart. Hold fast at His feet. He gives LIFE, PEACE, and JOY. His love for us came with a price—He is the sacrificial Lamb. He is the Lion of Judah. He is Jesus Christ the Messiah. We thank the LORD JESUS CHRIST for a new life in you today. Everything you've gone through has not been in vain. The LORD will use your mess to become His Message. Every test will become a Testimony. Every tear you have sown will become your meat, it will become your garden. I challenge you today to just rest in the scriptures I've shared above and to remind yourself that the old thoughts, old ways cannot overtake nor exist as long as persistence in renewing the mind takes place. Seek, submit, apply, and walk in His ways. You are not alone the LORD Jesus is with you and is also praying for you (John 17).

Remember, heaven is rejoicing because of your new life! Thank Him for your new!

I too am rejoicing for we have gained a brother/sister!

Blessings to you.

Have a blessed day!

—Eliza Victoria ️

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