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Sharing Our Hearts

Updated: Dec 29, 2023

Sharing our hearts is something we may refrain from depending on the conditions of our hearts. When our hearts become sick due to contaminated relationships, our mouth speaks exactly what's in our hearts. I think it's safe to say, many of us have been in this space before, but the great news is that we don't have to stay there. We are not perfect and we do make mistakes. Although we should guard our hearts, sometimes it's easier said than done, especially when we haven't completely healed from the times it was broken and opening up the Right one can become difficult.

In Genesis 8:20-21, it shares with us how the LORD smelled a soothing aroma from Noah's offerings on the altar. It then tells us that the LORD said in His heart, "I will never again curse the ground for man's sake, although the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; nor will I again destroy living things as I have done." What stood out to me most in this is how "the LORD said in His heart", how amazing is it to know that the LORD loves us enough to share HIS heart! All it took was one man to be obedient to the LORD and it saved his entire family. His obedience pleased the LORD, knowing the LORD already knew the imagination of man's heart was evil from youth. Are you willing to share your heart with the LORD? Are you willing to be obedient not just for yourself but for those connected to you? Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to trust in the LORD with all of our hearts and lean not unto our own understanding and in all our ways to acknowledge Him and He shall direct our paths. This means when you share your heart with the LORD, whatever you're feeling or whatever condition you are in mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually you are given permission and access to the LORD to give those things to Him and leave it to Him to heal your heart. There's no issue He can't fix. There's no condition He can't heal. He knows our hearts and yet, He still loves us. How amazing is it that He shares His heart with us? If He can share His heart, I challenge you to share your heart with Him.

As you share your heart with the LORD, pray that your heart is guarded against bitterness, hatred, unforgiveness, and anything else which would disrupt your peace and position. As you lean and trust in the LORD with every desire and every issue, your heart will be transformed and you will see that sharing your heart won't be as difficult because He is a SAFE PLACE! Remember, you have permission and access to the LORD. Utilize what you have right in front of you. If you're reading this, it's an indication God is not through with you and He's inviting you to hear His heart. Just like any relationship requires devoted time to get to know one another in order to open yourself up and become vulnerable to them, the same is with the LORD. Share your heart. Give Him access. Give Him you.

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