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The Goodness of God

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

"All my life You have been faithful. All my life You have been so, so good, With every breath that I am able, Oh I will sing, of the goodness of God." As I woke up this morning, I could hear these lyrics sing over me. Everything which has happened in my life has lead to this...God's faithfulness. He didn't allow me to die. He picked me up when I fell. He brought me out of the muck and mire. He saved my soul from eternal death and condemnation. He's been so good to me I cannot keep it to myself.

There was a point in my life when I didn't really know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and I didn't want to know Him. I could remember people who were sent my way who would bring up Jesus and my response was, "Listen, don't talk to me about the God thing because I don't want to know about it. God knows where I am and when it's my time to know Him, then we will talk but for now, I don't want to hear about it so please, keep that "God-thing" to yourself." Wow. I was a bold hot mess! Now, all I want is more of Jesus! There is absolutely nothing like HIs presence. He is the Peace I need, the Love I need, the joy I need, the Hope and Faith I need. He is EVERYTHING I need and more. Outside of HIm, there is nothing at all and I mean NOTHING.

The most beautiful and amazing thing is that even when I wasn't ready, God still had much patience with me. He knew me better than I knew myself. He knew He was the Ultimate Lifeline I needed to live in freedom, peace, and joy. I thought I knew better than He did but I was wrong. I tried life without Him and it was only a downward spiral filled with hate, regrets, depression, and fear. Jesus is the BEST DECISION I HAVE EVER MADE! Yes, I said it loud and proud and I don't take it back. He is completely faithful even when I was ignorant, young, and when I have been unfaithful. Jesus knew as He walked this earth that His blood, His sacrifice would cover every mistake, every bit of ignorance, every sin and I am forever grateful for His love. Because He loves us so, He gave His life not only for me but for us. He is our Hope and our Salvation!

I went from not wanting to talk about the "God-thing" to sharing how good He is and has been to me. I am wholeheartedly convinced that nothing will ever separate us from God's love and His faithfulness. He will never fail you! You know what? Trust when I tell you, after doing things "my way", I have learned to get out of my own way and let God lead the way instead. With Jesus, He takes what the enemy meant for evil and turns it for good. He is the Peace and Shelter we need in every storm. He is a mind regulator, Soul-Saving, Lover, and Friend. He is always there with us. He is truly Faithful and True. He is the LORD GOD our Victory and He continues to have dominion over every battle. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and nobody comes to the Father except it be through Jesus Christ. He is good and His mercy endures to all generations. Everything we need He will continue to provide because great is His faithfulness. I am not ashamed of my confession of Jesus Christ nor should anyone else be ashamed. Let's continue to hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. After all, He took me, one who refused to know Him, and brought me to a place of love, freedom, peace, and wanting to know more of Him. Only God can do that!

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