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Writer's pictureEliza Victoria


Genesis 40 talks about how God gave Joseph the ability to interpret the Cupbearer and the Baker’s dream. A thought came to mind. Many who read

the Bible already know many times we focus on Jacob’s experience but I saw something different as I came back to this scripture.

God is a God of detail and I couldn’t help but wonder, why did God choose the cupbearer and the baker?

The role of a cup-bearer was risky—they were what we would call the frontliners and basically risked their life for the sake of the king. He was right at the kings side in the open for all to see. The baker we know cooked meals to feed others and did this behind closed doors (away from the king).

The cupbearer’s life was spared and the baker was executed.

Here’s the nugget that dropped in my Spirit:

The cupbearer was close to the king. The king spared his life. He gave his life to serve the king. He went through a period of being arrested and thrown into jail. His life was spared and his position was restored. The same reigns true for Christians. We are close to God—He has spared our lives. We give our lives to Jesus and we serve Him. Nothing is hidden! There will be seasons where we, like the cupbearer, will be thrown into “jail”, persecuted, go through tough times but when we hold on—PUSH THROUGH, we will draw closer to God and God will RESTORE, VINDICATE AND FIGHT OUR BATTLES!

Now, on another note...The baker knew what to cook—he cooked what was requested and fed what people “liked”. What could have the baker “served” or done which caused his life to end? I thought about people today. Are “the bakers” of this world serving people what the “people like” behind closed doors or are they serving them what is necessary? Are they feeding their or others fleshly appetites? What are they serving which will ultimately end their life? There are some “bakers” who serve the RIGHT meal but there are others who have an agenda contrary to Gods word.

I’ve never thought about it this way until I read it again. Maybe someone else will receive a different revelation. God is the Revealer of Secrets and He is the Ancient of Days. We don’t know “what” caused the situation of the cupbearer and the baker but when we look at the positions, how close they would have been to the king or not, I wonder. I can’t help to think of it this way.

There is nothing hidden in the Presence of God—He is OMNIPRESENT, OMNIPOTENT and OMNISCIENT. Everything done in the dark shall come to light.

God wants us to be like the cupbearer—He wants us to lay down our own agenda, our own life and take a seat next to Him instead of cooking something up for people. Maybe God is saying, “I want you to focus on Me. Even though you will go through roughs times, I will be there to wipe your tears. I will be there to lift you up. I will be there to draw you closer to me. Are you willing to let go of your own agenda to grab a hold of Me?”

Maybe you've had a rough week. Maybe you've been going through a situation where it seems like it will never end. Maybe, like the cupbearer or baker, you have been thrown in a situation or place where you feel isolated. Maybe you feel like whatever you've done God won't forgive you or love you. That's actually not true. God is still with you and He does LOVE you and He wants you to come to Him--He is a forgiving God filled with mercy and grace. No matter where you are, God desires for you to be close to Him. He wants to make an exchange with you--your will for His own. He wants you to know You can come, lean and trust in Him. He's got your back (actually your front and side too)! There is nothing you've gone through which He cannot relate to, after all, He is King Jesus and He suffered, bled and died just for us! He knows every struggle, every tear you've shed, every laugh, every joyous moment and still He says, "Draw near to me. I've got you!" Continue to stay close to Him. Jesus loves you!

Blessings to you.

'For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.' Hebrews 4:15-16

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