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Writer's pictureEliza Victoria

Tried by Fire

Scripture reference: Genesis 22:5 NKJV

Devotional Song: Give me You by Shana Wilson-Williams

In the beginning of Genesis 22 God tested Abraham and told Abraham to sacrifice his son, his only son. Then we see that Abraham offers Isaac as an offering. In verse 5 Abraham tells his young men that he and Isaac will come back—this was great faith! Here it is God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son and as Abraham prepared to sacrifice, his response was, “Stay here with the donkey; the lad and I will go yonder and worship, and we will come back to you.”


He knew God would provide! He knew the assignment God gave him and STILL HAD FAITH to believe that not only would GOD provide but he and his son would COME BACK after being tried by fire.

My pastor taught us that, “FAITH IS NOT JUST WHAT YOU RECEIVE BUT WHAT YOU GIVE.”—what are we willing to REALLY GIVE GOD!? Abraham stood in faith by GIVING and was given a promise. For us, sometimes the “giving” is our own children or people near and dear to us. We too will be tried by fire and the question is, are you willing to be tried and tested?

As a parent of a teen and two young adults, letting them go has been one of the most challenging things I've had to do—trusting God in this process (I am still being tried in this area). Sometimes we can see the road they choose can deter them but one thing which plays a major factor are those words God spoke even to Abraham, “Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.

Simply put, God asks, “Do you trust Me? "

We can say we trust God all day, but truth be told, our faith shall be tested. We need to have faith like Abraham to not only listen to the command but to PREPARE and speak IN FAITH as we are tried by fire.

Here is a PRAYER which you can make personal:

Lord, give me YOU—everything else can wait! I know when it comes to those who are near and dear to us, it can be challenging to let go especially as a parent because I want what’s best for my children, but I cannot forget that You too are a Parent too. You’re the Father who knows what’s best and although I do not always get it right, I know You know what’s best. Help me to love how you love and give me the strength to not only let go when you say let go but to keep and speak faith over the things You ask me to give You. Let me have faith like Abraham and not just listen to the instructions but to also move—apply it daily. I will stand in FAITH by giving You those things You are calling me to lay and burn on the altar and while I do this, I will choose to believe salvation and restoration over family and all those connected to me. I know I the end, You know what’s best therefore I will trust you in the times when I am tried by fire! Just give me you LORD! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

May the peace of God be your continued portion.

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