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Writer's pictureEliza Victoria

The Potter Has You in His Hands

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

Have you ever felt like you've been stripped of everything in life? Have you ever experienced times of adversity where you felt like maybe you must have slipped through the cracks and may have been forgotten about? Or, maybe it felt like you've been dropped, cracked, scarred or even felt numb. When we think about the process of clay, we see the potter uses his hands to reshape, mold and recreate to bring forth a fresh piece of clay. The same is with God. He takes every issue, every wrinkle, crack, crevice and He reshapes, makes new, and more. After all, He is the Potter and we are the clay. He has us all in His hands.

Currently, I am part of a 90 Day Bible Challenge on a Facebook Group which allows us to read the entire Bible in 90 days. We meet at 4:45 am Monday through Friday for about fifteen minutes of worship and go right into reading the Bible from 5 am to 6 am. We then switch over to our Worship in 66 at 6:30 am.

Yes, we spend about two hours each day holding one another accountable to read Gods Word. The amazing part is, as we take notes and listen, we also fill up the chats with so many nuggets, questions and even prayer!

If I may say, today was mind blowing. I would love to share my devotional time with you today.

In our 5 am Bible reading, we started the Book of Job and I found it quite interesting in Job 2, Job breaks pottery and scrapes himself and in our 6:30 Worship in 66, on Day 36, it’s titled: From the Potter to the Clay.

In Jeremiah 18:4 it says, “But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.”

This right here—God will take the (marred) broken pieces, conditions, circumstances, issues of our lives and reshape us. Although hard times will come, God shapes us into what He knows best. He removed every blemish, spot and wrinkle. We are in His hands. His hands caress us, shape us, comfort us, and embrace us.

Job may have cut himself to the point of thinking it was all a dream. He was probably numb—after all, he lost all of his children and now as afflicted with sores all over his body. I thought about the term, “Pinch me because I think I’m dreaming.” Sometimes we “pinch” ourselves because we have been/are or were numb and want to see if where we are is really the reality of where we are but God sends an anonymous Messenger on behalf of our lives.

I thought about how the term used in the Worship in 66:

God shows. Jeremiah sees. God says. Jeremiah repeats.

I know the things we can “naturally“ see isn’t anything compared to what God says. God shows, gives us revelation, and when He speaks, we speak it into existence.

Our words are powerful. Job tells us, how forceable are right words (Job 6:25)—God’s Word is powerful! It’s forcible & right! So even in affliction, mourning, pain—GOD’s WORD CUTS THROUGH every circumstance, every issue and every pain.

No matter what it looks like or where you are...He is the POTTER and we are the CLAY. We are in God’s hands and He knows every crack, crevice, everything about is and our situation and He’s working it all out for our good!

Just like God's Word says in Jeremiah 18:4, “But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him."

God knows what's best! God has you in His hands!

If I may suggest a book today, I’d encourage you to grab Shaun Saunders book, Seeing God in Everything—that is so much in my Spirit right now I can’t even fully explain why but this particular book helped me when the I had a difficult time seeing God in the midst of life’s issues. It blessed me and I know it will bless you too.


Eliza Victoria

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